World Usability Day, Bangalore, 2007
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last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago
Event Details & Photos

Nov 5, 2007 3 pm to 7 pm
NIAS Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- What is World Usability Day?
- Event schedule
- When and Where?
- Sponsorship
- Planners
- Participants
What is Usability?
It Measures User Expectations.
What is World Usability Day?

World Usability Day was founded to ensure that the services and products important to life are easier to access and simpler to use. WUD focuses on raising awareness and visibility of usability and user-centered design and is organized every year by volunteers and local event coordinators from around the world. Whether usability professionals or just enthusiastic (or frustrated) users, each participant makes a contribution to making life easy.
On Nov 5, 2007, World Usability Day Bangalore will be hosted at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
The event is being organized and supported by UPA Bangalore, CHI Bangalore, leading usability companies, and usability enthusiasts. The event will include designers, technologists, usability professionals and public attendees.
WUD Bangalore 2007 will focus on applying ‘usability’ and ‘design’ thinking to making life easier and more usable for the common man (us!) in India. Among other areas the event will focus on Healthcare, Education, and Government Services and other public services and utilities that touch our lives everyday. It will include how Information and Communication Technologies and services can make this happen.
Event Schedule
3:00 pm
Introduction to World Usability Day
Amit, Sarit, WUD working team
3:10 pm
Acid Test Results – Results of usability testing of public services websites including Indian Railways
Sarit Arora
3:40 pm
Design and Social Equity
Prof M. P. Ranjan (NID)
4:10 pm
Design of Community PC – Perspectives
Dr. Girish Prabhu (Intel)
4:45 – 5:30 pm
Design workshop – New public services
5:30 – 6:00 pm
Discussions, food, and photo sessions
6:00 – 6:30 pm
Technologies for Indian’s bottom of pyramid
Sean Blagsvedt (Babajob)
6:30 – 7:00 pm
ICT in healthcare area in Karnataka
Dr. Reynold Washington , Gururaj H (Karnataka Health Trust)
November 5, 2007 | 3 pm to 7 pm
NIAS Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science

Update (05 November 2007)
Due to the rally organized by BJP around the Palace Road, the route leading to WUD venue might be choked. Couple of alternative routes are listed below:
1. Via Malleshwaram
2. Via Outer Ring Road
Please avoid the following places - Rajbhavan Road, Mekri Circle and Palace Road
Here is a Google Maps version
View Larger Map
What will happen?
(World Usability Day Bangalore will be continuously updated at http://upabangalore.org and http://chibangalore.mypublicsquare.com/view/world-usability-day )
Acid Test:

A team of usability professionals will be conducting usability testing of public services websites including the Indian Railways and the Indian Airlines in October. The results from this public usability study will be shared with the audience to raise awareness about the usability of public services.
Presentations and talks by experts:

Hear from real world experts who have tried to make a difference in public services including healthcare, e- governance and the healthcare space. Also, we will have experts who will bring in the focus of usability and how it can make a difference in the public services and healthcare in India and the emerging markets. Speaker bios will be uploaded shortly to the Wiki.
Workshop on designing new public services:

Participants will be divided into groups and given the challenge of designing new services around the theme of “"How usability can impact public services and healthcare in India". They will be provided with materials for brainstorming and data points and constraints for informing their designs. The panel of experts will judge the best entry at the event – the winning team will be given a special award.
Raves, Rants, and Ramblings: (Impromptu presentations, discussions, food, and photo sessions).
The event will contain several opportunities for breaking into smaller groups where people from the community can present and discuss issues or new methods. There will be spaces for informal community discussions, idea sharing and networking.
(World Usability Day Bangalore will be continuously updated at http://upabangalore.org and http://chibangalore.mypublicsquare.com )
Sponsorships are now closed.
The event is being sponsored with the support of Cisco, Google, and Human Factors International.
See more event details in the attached PDF
- Amit Pande, pande.amit@gmail.com
- Sarit Arora, sarit@humanfactors.com
- Muthu Online, muthuonline@gmail.com |9845913990
- Rahul Arora, rahul.arora@honeywell.com
- Navneet Nair, navneet.nair@gmail.com
- Sudhindra V, sudhindra.v@humanfactors.com
- Suresh, cre8tvt@gmail.com
- Iqbal A, iqbal@humanfactors.com
- Anand, anand@humanfactors.com
- Revathi, revathi dot nathaniel at oracle dot com
- Sandeep Karmarkar, sandeep.karmarkar at gmail dot com
- Abhijith Rao, abhijith.rao at gmail dot com
- Rashmi Sethi, rashmivsethi at yahoo dot com
- Suraj Naik, suraj.naik@tcs.com
- Ramjee Ganti, ganti.ratgmaildotcom http://sodidi.blogspot.com
- Guruprasad S Narayana, yesguru@yahoo.com
- Sreekumar P, sreekumar_p@hotmail.com
- Yatin Sethi, yatin.sethi at gmail
- Preeti Saluja, preeti.saluja@gmail.com
- Prasanna B K, Prasanna.bk@gmail.com
- Gaurav Bhargva gaurav.bhargva@gmail.com
- Tabita, tabita.k@humanfactors.com
- Vivek Dhage, vivek@humanfactors.com
- Shibu Prabhakaran, apple_chutney@yahoo.com
- Madhura Palshikar, madhura.p@humanfactors.com
- Nisha Rana, nisha.r@humanfactors.com
- Anand Kumar V http://www.symphonyservices.com
- Moorthy S Venkatraman http://www.symphonyservices.com
- Abraham VA, Nous Infosystems vaabraham@gmail.com
- Ankur Richchariya, ankur@humanfactors.com
- Shyam L, shyaml@yahoo.com
- Suneet Suthan, suneet.suthan@humanfactors.com
- Samrat Mondal, samrat.mondal@cognizant.com
- Ajay Kemparaj , ajaykemparaj at gmail dot com
- Abhijit Kr. Bairagi, abhijit.bairagi@gmail.com
- Nitin Mehta, mehta_nm@yahoo.com
- Kumaramanikandan
- Deepak, deepakd.com
- Kunal Kapoor, kunal.k@humanfactors.com
- Avinash Patange, avinash.patange@hp.com
- Amit Arora, amit.arora.78@gmail.com
- Sameer Dwivedi, sameer.dwivedi@gmail.com
- Guna Sekaran, gunasekaran.sj@gmail.com
- Rajeev C, rajeev.chavati@cognizant.com
- Anil Kumar K A, anilkumar.aravindakshan@cognizant.com
- Balan T, balan.thangamani@cognizant.com
- Vinod Kumar M, vinod.kumar3@cognizant.com
- Raghu Ram, raghu.ram@cognizant.com
- Laxmi M H, laxmi.halli@cognizant.com
- Sampath Kumar, sampath.kumar@cognizant.com
- Vinay K P, kpvinay84@gmail.com
- Umesh Gopinath, mail@umeshgopinath.com
- Manish Kumar, manish.k@humanfactors.com
- Madhu Sudanan
- Aditi Kashikar, akashika at interwoven dot com
- Hrish Thota, hrish dot thota at gmail dot com
- Suma Rani, suma dot shades at gmail dot com
- Navdeep Raj, 3drockz@gmail.com
- Navin Raj, midart@gmail.com
- Manish, manish612@gmail.com
- Ranish Chirayil, ranishchirayil@gmail.com
- Ajay Swamy, dream99studio@gmail.com
- Pratap Krishna, pratap.x@gmail.com
- Narasimhan - narasimhan.sk@gmail.com
- Bhavna - bhavna.bhargava@gmail.com
- Rajesh Kumar - mailboxofrajesh@gmail.com
- Bhakti Khandekar - mailboxof@gmail.com
- Peter Schlampp - Cisco Systems
- Galeel Bhasha - Sapient, gbhasha at gmail dot com
- Sanu George, sanugeorge@gmail.com
- Paramveer Singh, paramveersin@yahoo.com
- Ganesh GV, gvganesh@tataelxsi.co.in
- Upma Sharma, sharma.upma@gmail.com
- Sanjeevakumar Hiremath, Accenture Technology Labs, s dot hiremath at accenture dot com
- vidya sr, Vidya.SR@cognizant.com
- Sumathi PB, Sumathi.PB@cognizant.com
- Uday urs, UdayThejaswi.URS@cognizant.com
- Sowrirajan M, Keane, Inc
- Jeevanath G, Keane, Inc
- Deepak Devadasan,Keane Inc, deepak.devadasan@keane.com
- Shanmugam P, Keane, Inc
- Terrence, Keane, Inc
- Meera MV, Keane, Inc
- Shalini S, Keane, Inc
- Reshma Rajkumar, Keane, Inc
- Immanual Williams, Keane, Inc
- Anand Shekar, Keane, Inc
- Amrutraj Pujari, Oracle
- Rony Philip, philiprony@gmail.com
- Boudewijn van Duijvenbode, boudewyn@gmail.com
- Jayaganesh, bluejay0018@yahoo.co.in
- Thomas Augustin, augustin@earth.org
- Rob Simons, Rob@earth.org
- Teresa Brandstetter, teresa@earth.org
- Saurabh Minni, Blog, saurabh.minni A@t Gm@i.com
- Ganesh APP, sagaro@gmail.com, 09884366837
- Santhosh, mnsanthoshkumar@gmail.com
- vinay, vinayhosamani AT gmail DOT com, iBlog@
- shilpa, Shilpajsridhar@gmail.com
- Arumugapandian, sixfacepandian@gmail.com
- Pradeep Desai, pradeep.desai@tcs.com
- Jayalaxmi Dinni, jayadinni@gmail.com
- Vijay Kumar, vijay.ginji@gmail.com
- Avinash Patel, 4avinashp@gmail.com
- simarjeet singh ahuja, simarjeet.des@gmail.com
- Subash Babu, subash.asokan@citrix.com
- Krishna Prasad www.moydi.net , Vodafone, Germany
- Vikram Rao, graphicsvisualizer@yahoo.com
- Prince Antony, princea@gmail.com
- Raghava Kotekar, raghava_kotekar@yahoo.com
- Vishal Hemanth V, vishal@cpdm.iisc.ernet.in
- Monica Shukla, monica.shukla@ge.com
- Roshni ,roshni.ramnani@gmail.com
- Krishnakumar, kumar.sange@gmail.com
- Ravi Mohan, ravimohan555@gmail.com
- Prabhakar Varma, prabhakar.varma@gmail.com
- Roopa V Rao, roopavrao@hotmail.com
- Venkateswara Rao Venkatesh151@yahoo.com
- Kiran Karthikeyan, kiran.karthikeyan@gmail.com
- Samuel, netisam@yahoo.com
- Pravin Roberts, pravin@humanfactors.com
- Rakesh Barua, rakeshb@azimpremjifoundation.org
- Arvind Hebbur, arvind dot hv at accenture dot com
- Mahesh Shantaram, ms@thecontrarian.in
- Suhas Chavan, suhaschavan@g-c-i.com
- Raghavendra HS, aquarag@yahoo.com
- Arun Ganesh, arunganesh03@gmail.com
- Subin Anand, subinanand@gmail.com
- Somonath Patra, 'Sapient', spatra@sapient.com
- Pravat Ranjan Rana, 'Sapient', prana2@sapient.com
- Hemalatha Balraj, 'Sapient', hbalraj@sapient.com
- Ramya Rajamuthu Chidambaram, 'Sapient', rchidambaram@sapient.com
- Pragya Nalawade, 'Sapient', pnalawade@sapient.com
- Vivekanand R vivekanand.rangaswamy@wipro.com
- manjujpn@gmail.com
- gaurav.srivastsava@gmail.com
- harikrishnanc at gmail dot com
- Sridhar Rao,srao dot sridhar at wipro dot com
- labsji at gmail dot com
- menonsraghu at rediffmail dot com
- subbzs5@yahoo.co.in
- Manjunath JPN
- Anand, 'Steadfast'
- Krishna Raj. S krishnadotrajs at yahoodotcom
- Namitha Ranjith , namitha.ranjith@gmail.com
- Gaurav Srivastava
- Sachin Tiwari , tiwarisac@gmail.com
- Sanish Singh, CareerXperts Consulting sanish@careerxperts.com
- Harikrishnan
- Mohan Krishnaraj mohan.krishnaraj at wipro dot com
- Nilesh nbwal at yahoo dot com
- Gaurabh Mathure, gaurabh@desolve.co.in
- Jayan Muralidharan, m.jayan@gmail.com
- Prithvi, Prithvi.gowda@wipro.com
- ThiyagaRajan, http://rajan.wordpress.com
- Balaji Sowmyanarayanan
- Harish Kumar, HarishKumarM at gmail dot com
- Himanshu Mishra, himanshu.mech@gmail.com
- P Somasekhar Reddy, pssreddy_25@yahoo.co.in
- Raghu Menon
- Rashmi , rashmi_padmanabha@mindtree.com
- Subramanya
- Rajmohan Banavi - rajmohanbanavi@gmail.com
- Dominic Pereira - dominicp@gmail.com
- Sapna J - saps2212@yahoo.com
- Siddarth Gaonkar s i d d a r t h g @ g m a i l . c o m
- Sheshagiri V - sheshagiri.v@gmail.com
- Deepak Bajaj - deepak.bajaj@wipro.com
- Raghuram Ashok - raghuram.ashok@gmail.com
- Rinchan, rinchan at gmail dot com
- Saurabh Narula - reachsaurabhnarula@gmail.com
- Akash P Goswami- akashpg@gmail.com
- Afshan Kirmani: afshankirmani@gmail.com
- Mohan: mohankumar.venkatakrishnan at oracle.com
- Balachandar Muruganantham
- Parameswaran Venkataraman, Onward Research + Consulting
- Medha Deshpande - me.deshpande@gmail.com
- Rajiv Chandrabhanu - rajiv.chandrabhanu@gmail.com
- Nandakishore K N - nandakishorekn@renaissance-it.com
- Ramnath Ramachandran - ramnath.r@renaissance-it.com
- Praneet Koppula- praneet.reddy@humanfactors.com
- Mahalakshmi - mahalakshmi@humanfactors.com
- Agradoot Ghatak - agradoot_ghatak@mindtree.com
- Samita Bhandary - samita.bhandary@in.ibm.com
- Arun Vijayan - arunvijayanatgmaildotcom
- Siddharth - wud at cfx dot e4ward dot com
- R Pooran Prasad - pooran at zealousnet dot in
- Manu Raveendran - manuraveendran at gmail dot com
- Rahul Madhekar - rahul.madhekar@renaissance-it.com
- VEENA PATIL - veena_patil@mindtree.com
- Shami Raj | shamiraj@gmail.com
- Chirag Patel - chirag_zealous at yahoo dot co dot in
- Ravikaanth - ravi.kaanth@wipro.com
- Prabhakaran Mani - prabhakaran.mani@ionidea.com
- Subbarao Ivaturi, Cisco
- Ravi Kumar B N Freelance Consultants
- Sairam Rajagopal , 'Aditi', sairamr at gmail dot com
- Radha Rajgopal Tupil, NIIT Technologies | radha.srinivasan@niit-tech.com
- Udayan Banerjee, NIIT Technologies | udayan.banerjee@niit-tech.com
- Prasanna | msprasanna@gmail.com
- Ramesh Subramaniam | rsubramaniam@covansys.com
- Snehal Hannurkar - hannurkarsk@gmail.com
- Pushkaraj Karakat- architectpushkar@gmail.com
- Koti - koti03@gmail.com
- Kratika Verma - kratika.lca@gmail.com
- Shaji Mathew mats@websickle.com
- Sameer Bhiwani - Oracle | sameer dot bhiwani at oracle dot com
- Nikhil Chandran - nicky82@gmail.com
- Ankur Sardana, ankur.sardana@honeywell.com
- Riddhi Chokhawala, Riddhi.Chokhawala@Honeywell.com
- Mahesh Jagirdar, mahesh.jagirdar@gmail.com
- Santhosh M N, mnsanthoshkumar@gmail.com
- Jatin Shah jatinshah99 at gmail dot com
- Sujith R Warrier sujith_rw at yahoo dot co dot in
- Rama ramavasudevan_2004@yahoo.com
- Rajesh Gouthaman, rgoutham at interwoven dot com
- Vinodh kumar.N, vinodh.n.kuamr [at] gmail [dot] com
- Gururaja Hayavadana, h_gururaj@yahoo.com
- Arul Prabhu, arulayee@gmail.com
- Mohit gupta, mohit.ed@hotmail.com
- Priya, priyacrao at gmail dot com
- Shalini Krishnan, shal.krish@gmail.com
- Vijesh, vijesh.world@gmail.com
- Jayesh, jayeshaddress@gmail.com
- Nishta Pangle, nishthapangle@gmail.com | Tekriti Software, Gurgaon, Haryana
- Ram Singh, ram_shekhawat@yahoo.com | SPAN Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
- Usha Patri, Usha dot vikas dot patri at oracle dot com
- Thava Alagu, thavamuni at yahoo - com
- Nimish Vohra, nimishvohra at gmail dot com, nvohra at regalix-inc dot com
- Arun A B , Tata Elxsi Ltd , arun@tataelxsi.co.in
- Rajarajan R, CTS, rkrajarajan@gmail.com
- Nithya Ramakrishnan, nithya.ramakrishnan@accenture.com
- Abhi Hupare, Intel, abhihupare@gmail.com
- Praveen M Kinathy, Praveen.Kinathy@Telelogic.com, macleo71@gmail.com
- mainak ghosh, mainakg_hosh@yahoo.com, mainak.ghosh@iwpro.com,
- Divahar Lal, divaharlal@gmail.com
- Sajesh P. Jose, sajesh.jose@gmail.com
- Lakshmesh Prabhu, lakkiroy@gmail.com | www.laksonline.com
- Rammohan Reddy, mohanramsmail@gmail.com
- Jayashree Ravi, jshree.ravi@gmail.com
- Swehta,swehta41@gmail.com
World Usability Day, Bangalore, 2007
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Comments (1)
Anonymous said
at 11:10 am on Nov 7, 2007
Please stop the registrations. People are still adding their names to the list. I am getting notifications of changes even after clearing the checkbox.
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