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on October 10, 2007 at 2:30:50 pm

World Usability Day, Bangalore, 2007 World Usability Day, Bangalore, 2007 ! Welcome to this wiki created to catalyze the Bangalore Design and User Experience community!


  • This Wiki is a follow up from the Nov 14 World Usability Day Bangalore community event hosted by Oracle. ( http://www.wudbangalore2006.com ). It attempts to create a space for the audience of that event and other interested parties to share their ideas.


  • During World Usability Day and subsequent to the event, several of the audience members had asked critical questions: How can we sustain the community momentum from events such as WUD? What are other modes for the Bangalore UX community to connect? How can we drive a broader social imperative to have more usable products, services, and experiences?


  • Here are a couple of ideas we brainstormed - we look forward to hearing yours as well!


- Talk with peers face to face in a focus group about what you’ve been doing in your organization


- Start a usability newsletter in your organization


- Host an open public forum in local languages (Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, others) to define 'usability'


- Invite local academics from Srishti, RVCE, Ramaiyya, NID Outreach campus, and IISc to a round table


- Invite school and college students to our labs over pizza/conversation


- Identify a few easy targets - technology services and products people face usability problems with


- Create a simple sustained online community


- Start an informal lecture series within our community, one every month such as http://www.pecha-kucha.org


- Put together a 'crappy unusable stuff' museum


- Learn about the Indian government's National Design Policy


- Debate on the limitations of the 'jugaad' approach


-- Conduct more such activities(not necessarily as huge as WUD :D) at colleges, where there is almost no stress anytime on the Designer point of view, they are trained to be coder like bread and butter for the industry(though acceptable to an extent). Somewhere on the lines of Param, the alternative career thought.

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